Foam Soap

Sweetie, it’s okay. I’ll get you more,” I reassured my little blessing, as most of the foam soap on her little hands slipped into the sink before she could wash her hands together.

The fallen soap completely captivated her attention, and rather than trusting I would supply her with more soap and continuing the song, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy…” she was fixated on the water washing the foam down the drain.

As this ordinary daily task unfolded, I experienced God parenting me as I parented my child.

How often do I narrow in on the “foam going down the drain”? Be it the endless to-do list, the mistake I just made, the situation I cannot change, or the circumstance I wouldn’t have chosen for myself, I have a tendency to focus on an issue and not listen to the still, small voice saying, “Sweetie, I will supply you with all you need.”

More, I forget to use my voice in prayer or song. Just as I want to hear from my children, God wants to hear from His. And even though my singing voice is certainly not competition worthy, I create a heavenly melody when my arms are raised in submission to the one who supplies and is in control over the foam.